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ArkX Laboratories

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EveryWord™ Ultra Far-Field Voice Recognition Demonstration
EveryWord™ Ultra Far-Field Voice Recognition Demonstration
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About ArkX Laboratories

ArkX Labs’ EveryWord™ ultra far-field voice capture and control solutions deliver an unmatched H2H and H2M voice recognition experience. EveryWord™ captures voice commands from 3X the distance (9+ meters) v. beam forming technology, works around corners, and in noisy and reverberative environments – without lowering the playback volume or competing with other single-point noise sources.

EveryWord™ is compatible with Alexa, Google, Siri, Cortana, AliGenie, Baidu/Kitt.ai, or our Sensory solutions.

Our portfolio is Amazon (AVS) qualified and production-ready to get you to market – faster.

"DigiKey is an ideal partner for our overall distribution strategy to drive growth as we expand our product offerings throughout 2021 and beyond," said Michael Lang, executive vice president at ArkX Laboratories. "They offer OEM engineers and developers a reliable resource to access our advanced voice capture solutions and first-class customer service."